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Hi, I'm Amy!

I've always been curious about the "Meet the Maker" questionnaires that I see from time to time on social media. It's fun to get to know a little more about the person who makes things you like and things you are inspired by. I don't feel inspired to go through a series of questions, but let me tell you a little more about myself here. But for the record, I do have a pretty thorough About Me page on this website. :)

This is me in my favorite corner of my beautiful, light- and color-filled studio. (Wearing my 'studio slippers'!)

Here and Here is a one-woman show. I imagine, design, and produce everything that I sell.

I have been a maker all of my life. From coloring with my Mom at the kitchen table to "designing" outfits with Colorforms (remember those?!) in elementary school, to making as many homemade Christmas presents as I can, I have always felt most at ease when using my hands and making tangible things. As an adult, I also put writing visually-pleasing letters and cake decorating in my "always making" list, among many other things.

Here and Here wan't my first job or even first business. Here are some of the interesting jobs I've had before starting Here and Here jewelry:

-Library Assistant at the Museum of Modern Art Reference Library

-Associate Editor in the Craft Department at Martha Stewart Living Magazine

-Design Associate at Elizabeth Powell Leather Items

-Art Instructor for full-day art camps for 5 to 12 year olds at various schools and centers in Toronto

-also: drapery fabrication, chocolate production and sales, Oriental rug repairs, gallery attending, and more.

-and as an artist and designer I've worked for myself for the last many, many years.

Another making experience I had every year for a decade was crafting incredibly elaborate Halloween costumes for my two boys. The ideas were all theirs. In fact I considered it a challenge and I was always up for whatever they could imagine. We often did the designing and fabrication together. And for the last many of these detailed costumes there was almost always a hidden candy slot and compartment-- I mean I've got to up the ante from any ol' store-bought costume! These costumes were probably my favorite making of the year! My last costume project with my second son was a few years ago and I miss that annual process, but of course we have the photos to look back on and laugh about!

Left to right:

--Microwave/Stovetop/Oven (both microwave and oven doors open and one of the burners lifts up to reveal the candy slot.)

--Clown and Vending Machine (Cutest clown ever, homemade bowtie, suspenders, and boutonniere. And vending machine with a little slot for candy where you would normally insert your money, and I built an interior tab he could pull that changed the reading on the little "screen" from "$1.00" to "Out of Order."

--Ironman (No secret candy compartment inside, but you should see the back- it's really iron shaped with a handle and domed back. And really, just the pun of it made us laugh!)

The making never stops and I come from a long line of creative women who are deluxe party decorators, fancy table setters, greeting card makers, homemade cake decorators, and like me, they love(d) color and making important occasions really special. And like me, they were inspired to make random days between the special occasions into reasons for a celebration to take a break from the day-to-day routine. Like sometimes on any random week night a cake with sprinkles might be exactly what we all need to shake things up. Don't you agree?

Have you got any questions for me? Email me your questions and I'll answer them in a future post!


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