Apr 30Learning to be stimulatedLast fall I signed myself up for a 12-week jewelry casting class. It was something I had been curious about for a long while, but after a...
Jun 23, 2022Firing, and Re-firingDid you know that every ceramic element I make gets fired twice? The first is a lower temperature and is called a bisque fire. When the...
Dec 8, 2021Making and GivingThe holidays for a maker and baker can be an inspired though hectic time of year. The build up is worth savoring and the excitement...
Oct 25, 2021Hi, I'm Amy!I've always been curious about the "Meet the Maker" questionnaires that I see from time to time on social media. It's fun to get to know...
Aug 3, 2021Make Making MadeWhat a crazy year and a half it's been. It's interesting to have a set period of time to look back on and really absorb and recognize the...